Monday, March 12, 2007

Affairs Of The Heart

I tried giving this some thought and ended up sleeping less than 3 hours last night. (Some nights were better though.)

Everytime I see her, the more stupid I'd feel about my confession. It felt like shooting myself in the foot without calling in the paramedics. The most painful thing is that she shut me out of her life the moment I confessed - no more SMSes, emails, IMs --

And dates.

You told me to give her time to adjust as her current relationship with the other guy might not last long. But it really stings when I realised she'd rather maintain the other relationship effortlessly than to test out this little thing between us.

Yes, there were great memories, but they will remain as footnotes in her life.

So, now should be the best time for me to shutdown on her and please forgive me if I behave like a retard for the next few months.

Got this from a close friend though. Would like to share with all readers here. Personally, I find it heart-wrenching.